The Ultimate Guide to Fillers and Botox

Have you ever wondered how celebrities and influencers like Nicole Kidman and Halle Berry maintain youthful appearances? What’s the magical ingredient behind the youthful skin of these people? 

The secret lies in dermal fillers and Botox. As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and youthful glow, and celebs are no different. These fantastic treatments are helpful in restoring your youth while correcting imperfections for natural results.

Are you considering dermal fillers or Botox but need help knowing where to start? This comprehensive guide has got you covered. Below you’ll find all details regarding derma fillers and Botox, and how to choose a dermatologist to inject dermal fillers.

botox injection

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers, commonly known as soft tissue fillers, are gel-like injectable substances that restore volume, smooth deep wrinkles, and enhance facial contours. Typically made from hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance that helps hydrate and plump the skin, derma fillers help eliminate skin imperfections without causing major side effects or downtime.

The popularity of derma fillers has thrived rapidly in recent years due to their ability to produce dramatic aesthetic improvements that were previously only achievable with surgery. Also, the results of these fillers are temporary, so restoring the natural condition is possible. 

What Can Dermal Fillers Correct?

Different types of soft tissue fillers are designed to treat a variety of signs of aging. Depending on the dermal filler you’ve selected, you can:

  • Fill or enhance hollow areas on your face.
  • Plump up thinning lips.
  • Fill or soften the look of recessed scars.
  • Remove or decrease the wrinkle or shadow under the eyes.
  • Fill in or soften static wrinkles.

What are the Types of Dermal Fillers? 

There are several types of dermal fillers, each with its own unique properties and uses. Below we’ve mentioned the most common fillers people get to reverse the signs of skin aging.

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

These dermal fillers are made from a substance that occurs naturally in the body to enhance the skin’s contour and remove depressions in the skin caused due to lines, injuries, or illness. With these injectable fillers, you can see potentially dramatic improvements for

  • Cheek depression
  • Acne scars
  • Frown lines between the eyebrows 
  • Redefining lip border
  • Some facial scars
  • Treat deeper wrinkles

Calcium Hydroxylapatite Fillers

If the skin issues are due to collagen production, you’ll be recommended calcium hydroxylapatite fillers. These dermal fillers contain a mineral-like compound found in bones and teeth and help stimulate collagen production. 

Generally, calcium fillers are used in patients with moderate-to-severe creases such as marionette lines, frown lines, and nasolabial folds. They also improve volume in areas of facial wasting.

Poly l Lactic Acid Fillers

Also known as the stimulator, this dermal filler contains a synthetic material that causes your body’s own collagen production. It’s biodegradable, non-toxic, and used for over 40 years. Polylactic acid dermal fillers work well for people looking to.

  • Fill hollow cheeks
  • Fill the lines caused by laughing
  • Treat deep nasolabial folds 

What are Neuromodulators (Botox)?

Neuromodulators, also known as neurotoxins, are a type of injectable treatment that can temporarily relax the muscles in the face, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Botox is the most well-known brand name for a neuromodulator type containing botulinum toxin type A.

When injected into the facial muscles, neuromodulators block the nerve signals that cause muscle contractions. This can help smooth out wrinkles and fine lines, particularly those caused by repetitive facial movements such as frowning or squinting.

What can Botox Correct?

Botox can only correct wrinkles caused by the movement of the muscles (dynamic muscles or expression lines). The most common wrinkles the neuromodulators can treat include lines on the upper face such as:

  • Horizontal lines on the forehead
  • “11” between the brows
  • Crow’s feet around the eyes

💡 An Important Note

Neuromodulators don’t work on wrinkles and fine lines caused by loss of plumpness or facial sagging. To correct these skin issues, you should consider dermal fillers. Contact Skincredible Dermatology and book your appointment for dermal fillers in Mission Viejo to eliminate the signs of skin aging and experience youthful skin again.

Types of Neuromodulators 

Just like derma fillers, there are different types of neuromodulators, each with unique characteristics. Below we’ve discussed the most common types:


Botox is the most well-known and widely used brand of neuromodulator, containing botulinum toxin type A. It can be used to treat a range of cosmetic and medical conditions, including wrinkles, migraines, and excessive sweating.


Xeomin is another popular neuromodulator that contains a purified form of botulinum toxin type A. It is similar to Botox and Dysport but contains no additional additives or proteins. This makes it a good option for patients who may have developed a resistance to Botox.


Jeuveau is a newer type of neuromodulator that also contains botulinum toxin type A. It is sometimes referred to as "Newtox" and has been specifically approved by the FDA for treating frown lines between the eyebrows. Jeuveau may be a good option for patients seeking a more targeted treatment approach.

Dermal Fillers vs. Neuromodulators: The Pros and Cons 

Confused between dermal fillers and neuromodulators? Both are a type of injectable but are intended for correcting different skin issues. Here are the pros and cons of both injectables to give you a better insight into their difference.

Dermal Fillers: Pros 

Can Provide Immediate Results

Dermal filler injections can often provide visible results immediately after treatment, making them a popular option for patients who want to improve their appearance quickly.

It can Be Used to Target Specific Areas 

Dermal fillers can be injected into specific areas of the face to smooth wrinkles, add facial volume, and improve the skin's overall appearance.

Results Can Last for Several Months to Over a Year

Depending on the type of filler used and the patient's individual response, the results of dermal filler treatments can last for several months to over a year.

Low Risk of Allergic Reaction

Most dermal fillers are made from substances that occur naturally in the body, such as hyaluronic acid, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions or adverse side effects.

Derma Fillers: Cons 

May Require Multiple Treatments

Multiple dermal filler treatments may be necessary to achieve the desired results depending on the patient's needs and goals.

The Treatment Can be Expensive 

Dermal filler treatments can be expensive, especially if multiple treatments are required to achieve the desired results.

Neuromodulators: Pros 

Smooths Out Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Neuromodulators temporarily relax the muscles that cause wrinkles and fine lines, resulting in a smoother and more youthful-looking appearance.

Suitable for Treating a Variety of Conditions

These can treat multiple types of cosmetic concerns, such as deeper wrinkles and fine lines, without pain or scarring.

Minimal Downtime 

Neuromodulator treatments are minimally invasive and require little to no downtime, allowing patients to return to normal activities immediately.

Neuromodulators: Cons 

May Not be Suitable for All Patients

Botox and other neuromodulators may not be suitable for patients with certain medical conditions or those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Minor Side Effects Can Be There 

After the treatment, some patients experience temporary side effects such as bruising, swelling, or redness at the injection site, only for a few days.

Before, During, and After Treatment: What to Expect from Dermal Fillers and Botox 

Derma fillers and Botox- both injectables are delivered in the same way. Therefore, the pre and post-treatment procedures are also the same. Here is an overview of what to expect before, during, and after treatment with dermal fillers and Botox:

Before Treatment

The initial phase of both treatments is consultation, where a qualified healthcare provider discusses goals, medical history, and any concerns you may have. You may also be asked to avoid certain activities or procedures such as facial fat grafting leading up to the treatment to reduce the risk of complications.

During the initial consultation, the provider also explains the post-treatment care instructions and cost-related details.

During Treatment

During the treatment, the healthcare provider will administer the dermal filler or Botox using a fine needle or cannula, injecting the product directly into the targeted area.

The duration of the treatment can vary depending on the number of areas being treated and the specific product being used. Dermal filler treatments typically take 15-30 minutes, while Botox treatments can be completed in as little as 10-15 minutes.

After Treatment

After the treatment, you may experience mild swelling, bruising, or redness at the injection site. These side effects are temporary and can be managed with ice packs or over-the-counter pain medication.

Depending on the treatment you've opted for, you can see results immediately after the dermal filler procedure or within a few days. Injectable dermal fillers have long-lasting results that can last up to a year, while the results of Botox remain visible for up to 3-4 months.

Unveil a Younger and Fresher You with Skincredible Dermatology 

Don’t let the skin aging signs blemish your appearance, and restore the youthfulness of your skin with derma fillers and Botox. The non-invasive dermal filler procedures are painless and require no downtime, so you can get back to work after having a beauty shot. 

At Skincredible Dermatology, we use high-quality injectables that are proven to be safe and offer long-lasting results. Schedule your appointment today for an initial consultation, and say hi to flawless skin.

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